The province of Quebec currently has just over 300 IBCLCs (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants) in its territory. Unfortunately, the profession of IBCLC is not officially recognized in Quebec. The AQC wants IBCLCs to be recognized as professional members of the perinatal care team, and has worked for many years to promote the professional recognition of IBCLCs in the public sector and within the MSSS (Ministry of Health and Social Services). More specifically, the AQC believes that it would be optimal if the following actions be taken:
- The creation of an IBCLC job title within the nomenclature of job titles in the Health and Social Services network;
- The granting of budgets to the CISSS / CIUSSS for the creation of positions and the hiring of IBCLCs in each Birthing Center and CLSC in Quebec;
- The addition of IBCLC to the list of authorized medical practitioners for the purposes of the medical expense tax credit;
- Reimbursement of IBCLC fees by private insurance companies;
- The implementation of an information campaign to promote the profession of IBCLC amongst the population.