From May 30 to Aug 29
Presented by
The Grand Conference 2022 was a great success! We were fortunate to welcome Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC and Dr. Katrina Mitchell MD, IBCLC, FAC who offered world-class lectures.
Thanks to the outpouring of positive feedback we received following the Grand Conference 2022, the AQC has decided to extend registration until August 29. The videos in French and English which will be online until August 31, 2022 on the Centre OQP en santé website.
Single price for members and non-members : 400$
#thegrandconference2022 #ibclc
Viewing the videos
When you register, an email will automatically be sent to the coordinator who will notify the Centre OQP en santé of your registration. Please allow a maximum of 24 hours before you have access to the platform. An email will be sent to you to create your password and to indicate the steps to follow to access the videos.
Conference documents
For AQC members, click on Members Zone, tab Documents for The Grand Conference 2022. All documents are available there.
For non-members, send an email to Julie Boulet, our coordinator, who will be happy to send you the requested documents
CERPs Certificates
Even if you did not attend the conferences live, it is possible to receive CERPs certificates. Simply complete the speaker evaluations and your certificates will be emailed to you within one week.
Link to the CERP evaluation of Melissa Cole
Link to the CERP evaluation of Dr. Katrina Mitchell
Assessment form