From Jan 20 to May 27
Become a sponsor of The Grand Conference 2025
Since 2007, we have been welcoming about 200 participants per day at this event featuring international speakers. Participants include healthcare workers (pediatricians, family physicians, nurses, nutritionists, midwives), members of community organizations (birth attendants, ''marraines d'allaitement'') and of course, IBCLC lactation consultants.The event will once again be presented in virtual format, thus making it possible to offer continuing education to workers living in remote areas and outside of Quebec. The event offers the possibility of attending live and recorded sessions. For your company, this is an asset, as your publicity will be visible from the moment the agreement is signed until August 27, 2025.
Be the first to register now here, as the number of sponsors is limited.
For more information, contact us or 514-990-0262
Topics for Day 1: May 26th, 2025
Helen L Ball, BSc (Hons), MA, PhD (England)
1- Normal Infant Sleep Development
2- Supporting parents with infant sleep disruption
Alyssa Schnell, MS, IBCLC (USA)
1- The Proficient Pomper
2- Co-Lactation: How LGBTQIA+ Parents Share the Breastfeeding Relationship
Topics for Day 2: May 27th, 2025
Carmela Baeza, MD, IBCLC (Spain)
1- Management of breast and nipple conditions during lactation
2- Management of the nursing infant with slow weight gain
Hope Lima, PhD, RDN, IBCLC (USA)
1- Elimination diets: When should a nursing mother try one?
2- Prevention of chronic disease: can breastfeeding change outcomes?